Hello girls, how are you today?
I don’t know if you remeber but a long time ago I have write a post about one website, were i found some beautiful boots. This time I want to show you what is on my wishlist.
I wil start with flat leather boots ( here ) because for me is verry important to fill good in my shoes.
This tree models I like it verry much, but on the website you will find more models verry beautiful and verry cheap.
The second type of boots I want to show you is: high heel boots (here) becouse belive me or not every girl need a per of this in her closet, I chose tree models verry nice and sexy :).
This tree per of heels boots I love it, is verry nice and chic, but olso classy, I can wear them when I need to feel sexy in my shoes.
The third sections is boots for women cheap (here) and on this category are the most beautiful boots, let’s see what I like.
I must admit that I’m not a fun of winter, but with this boots I think I will love this season.
I must say that I realy love this site, becouse here I found some beautiful boots and verry cheap, but now I must decide what I order fiesta.
I want to invite you to visit Shopespie.com becouse here you will find some good discont and verry nice boots.
Foarte dragute, o sa intru si eu sa vad ce imi face cu ochiul 🙂 Pupici
pupici, sper sa gasesto ce iti place