My wedding dress from Cocomelody

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I want to get married :), I think that every women on this planet want this and every one dream at his perfect wedding dress.

Vreau sa ma marit :), Cred ca fiecare femeie de pe aceasta planeta vrea a acest lucru si fiecare viseara la rochia de mireasa perfecta.

Today I want to talk about Cocomelody, is an outside store verry nice were a found a lots of back backless wedding dresses.

Azi vreau sa va vorbesc despre Cocomelody, este un site din afara unde am gasit foarte multe rochii cu spatele gol.

I must admit that I love this kind of dress, and I want to show you some of that beautiful dresses I found one this website

Recunosc ca imi place acest gene de rochie, si vreau sa va arat cateva modele ce pot fi gasite pe site.

I will show you both parts of each model, so let’s begin.

Va voi arata atat spatele cat si fata rochie.


This model is verry beautiful, the fabric which is made si lace, and it have two colors – ivory and ivory/champagne, on the page you will find more pictures and a size chart, information about delivery and more details.

Acest model este foarte frumos, este realizat din dantela, disponibila in doua culori, pe pagina ei veti gasi foarte multe informatii, printre care si un tabel de marimi.

The second is verry pretty and that bow gives her an interesting looks

A doua rochie este foarte frumoasa, fundita ii da un aspect tare interesant.


I must say that this year all bride should ware a backless dress, beacouse th fashion backless Wedding Dresses 2016 is amazing, let me show some models.

Trebuie sa spun ca orice mireasa ar putea alege o rochie cu spatele gol, pentru ca moda din anul 2016 este superba.


In my opinion a backless wedding dresses is perfect for any bride, becouse this dresses are sexy, classy and verry glamuros, and can bring out a beautiful lady which should shine on her wedding day.

Dupa parerea mea o rochie cu spatele gol este perfecta pentru orice mireasa, deoarece este sexy, stilata, si o scoate in evidenta intr-o zi in care ar trebui sa straluceasca.

On the you will find some beautiful dress at a verry nice price becouse a lot’s of that perfect wedding dresses receive discount, a considerable discount  of up to 60%.

Pe site-ul veti gasi multe  rochii frumoasa la preturi foarte bune, deoarece multe dintre ele au reduceri considerabile, incepand cu 60%.

I new want to invite you to find your perfect dress on

Va invit sa vizitati site-ul si sa gasiti rochia de mireasa perfecta pentru voi.

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