Iti spuneam zilele trecute ca omul cand nu are ce face isi face de lucru, ei bine eu…imi fac liste de cumparaturi. Pentru ca site-urile din afara sunt extrem de populate cu produse minunate la pret de chilipir, au devenit principala mea sursa de cumparaturi. Am gasit o multime de site-uri cu preturi mici si […]
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One beautiful dress
I’m really sure that every girl dream at her wedding day, and wants that day to be perfect, my friend is not exception, she is getting merried in a verry short time and she want to be her dream wedding, without any unpleasantly event. Becouse si has a lot to do she ask me to help her mother […]
Citește în continuareBack to school
Hello Girls, is already september and schools are open. I have to admit it’s been a while since I finished school but i still look for the perfect prom dress. In my high school the prom is diferent from others schools, we wear beautiful dresses, elegant and classy. I find one website with some perfect […]
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